After a 4 hour bus ride, 18 hour train ride to Bangkok, 4 hour layover, and a 14 hour train ride, we safely arrived to our destination! Before this, I would’ve never thought any place was worth traveling 40 hours for, but Chiang Mai easily changed my mind. This place is absolutely GORGEOUS! It’s actually so amazing and everything I had ever dreamt of. We arrived at 4 am and slept about 3 hours before we got our day started. My team got to meet our amazing host, who is from Texas too! TEXAS ON TOP! Anywayssss, after orientation we went downstairs to Bella Goose Cafe (yeah that’s right… we’re staying above the cafe….like what is life!) We got to meet more of our new friends and let me tell you, everyone in Thailand is so sweet. It’s so fitting that Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles,” because they truly are so hospitable!
While my team was on the roof of our hostel, in complete awe of what God has blessed us with, we saw a huge temple on top of a mountain. So of course we had to go see it! Immediately we booked a Grab and drove 45 minutes to Wat Phra That Doi Kham. Being there was so eye opening to the reality of what we will be seeing during our time here. It was so interesting seeing how man created these beautiful structures with the creativity and gifts that God gave them, but they ended up using their talents for evil, which is so heartbreaking. As a team we were able to admire the beauty of it, but it became very clear to us just how dark the Buddhist religion is. Personally, it reminded me of what God has called me to do and why I’ve been placed in Thailand.
My team and I spent most of the day on the mountain, and headed back to our hostel around dinner time. After dinner we all watched the sunset together on our rooftop and headed over to the grocery store to get snacks for our movie night that we had planned. Of course while we were at the store we decided to make a spontaneous TacoBell run, which was the best idea EVER! Once we got back to our hostel we all ended the night with scrapbooking, and watching the Hunger Games while sipping on hot tea. SOOOOO basically, I’m so deeply in love with this place, and God truly answered our prayers in such a beautiful way.
As of right now, all we know is that every Monday- Friday my team will be split into two groups (one for the morning classes and one for the evening classes) and we will be working at a home that helps disabled children. We will be teaching them different subjects and ultimately just loving on them. A lot of our ministry also consist of ATL (Ask the Lord) days and street evangelism. Our host strongly encourages us to create friendships with these people and invite them to meals, hangouts, and even encourage them to worship with us.
INTENTIONALITY- The word that has been highlighted for our season in Chiang Mai. Intentionality with our team. Intentionality with our new friends. Intentionality with pursuing the Buddhist community. Intentionality with daily surrender to Him. Intentionality with the community in Chiang Mai. Intentionality with God. I believe that my team will be stretched and tested in ways that we haven’t experienced yet, but through that it all comes down to how intentional we are with what has been handed to us and how we steward it in a Christ-like manner. Through this new season so much will be revealed to us if we’re just obedient to Him and His mission for us! Im so excited to see where God takes us.
Em, I loved your pictures & reading about your new mission in Thailand. Key word “intentionality”, something we should all remember in building relationships & sharing Jesus no matter where we are. Thank you for reminding me of my mission as well. We sure miss you but know the Lord has you there for His purpose. To God be the glory for He s doing great things in & through you!
❤️❤️❤️ Grammy
Emmy. Baby, I Love hearing and reading your blogs. I will be praying for your team and the people of Thailand.a. As you mentioned the word intentionally that is exactly what Jesus modeled when he was here. He was intentional with every person he came across, the Women at the Well, the Women with the bleeding issue, healing the sick boy, healing the blind man and the list goes on. It was his love & being intentional that drew them to Jesus.. I pray the people of Thailand will come to know Jesus through your love. Keep shining for Jesus 💡
God Bless and protect you all, as He shines through your testimonies and His love filtered through your words and actions. God be glorified!
Love you! Seek first the Kingdom of God…Glad you all made it safely and are ready to serve those God brings your way. Tell Ava pope loves her too!
And for heavens’s sake remember who you are…. Love Pope
Praying for you and your ministry. You are blessed to work with children. Blessed to be a blessing!
What an amazing blessing! Prayers for you and your team as you all tackle Thailand. Be safe, have fun, spread the word and make a difference. 🙏🏼❤️
You must be very strong and patient Emery! The travel days sound grueling yet you are so positive in your blogs. Blessings precious lady!