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So.. let’s recap shall we! As we know I’m not the most consistent blogger out there… which means that I have to catch you all up on 1 month worth of FUNNNN that I’ve experienced. Let’s get started.


Whenever I first signed up for this trip, my first thought was about me being separated from my family for my 18th birthday. Little did I know that I would actually be celebrating with my new family in an abundance of love! Like whaaa?!?!?! I honestly can’t say that I ever felt more celebrated than that day. I started my morning by waking up at 5am to participate in a FBR simulation that our boys team was involved in. Let me tell you, that was the most fun I’ve had all year! Something about it was so comical and I had the best time getting to be with Naty during that. After the simulation was done we all went to get breakfast. While I was gone the rest of my team was decorating our common area to surprise me! They bought me the cutest cake and all of my favorite snacks… they’re basically the best! Later that day, I went to ministry and had an absolute blast! I absolutely love those kids. And now for the fun part.. DRUM ROLL PLEASE…. I got tatted!! Not once… but twice!! AHHH! Anyways, I truly can say that I’ve never felt so loved and celebrated before that day. What an honor it was to celebrate with my sweet family! (They also took me camping that weekend for more celebration!)


Obviously, we couldn’t go to Thailand without hanging with elephants! My team and I took a 2 hour car ride into a village that was located deep in the mountains. We started off by feeding them (there was about 10), and then we got to learn more about their health and how to properly care for them. After we gave them their vitamins and earned their friendship, we got to ride them to the water hole where we got to bathe them! Now, those who know me understand why this is such a big deal to me. My whole life I’ve grown such a deep love for these animals, and now God handed me an opportunity to not only see them, but embrace them! Anyways, this will forever be a in my top 5 favorite moment of my life!


Although I can’t speak much on our ministry for the protection of the children, I would love to share some things from my time there! My team and I volunteered at a children’s home and got to embrace life with these 7 month- 10 year olds! The abundance of joy felt when I was in their presence is unexplainable. Although it wasn’t always easy, these kids deeply softened my heart for little humans. The fact that they were all capable of smiling and finding joy in the small things even after everything that had been put through was so crazy to me. It’s something that I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to fathom. I thank God for His protection over their life and how He brought them all together to experience this time together. Leaving them was so difficult, but knowing that they are in a place that is Christ-lead brings so much peace because I know they are soooo loved and cared for!


Before my team and I left for Greece, we got to enjoy a week with our whole squad! We were reunited just in time for Christmas! I had no clue how much I missed these people until I found myself admiring all of them throughout that week. Being separated is so difficult, but it makes our time so much more special. Debrief was a week full of growth and passion; for each other, God, and our community. It’s such a blessing having a family that has the same desire as me, to be more like Jesus and fulfill His asks for us!

Later that week, my squad and I got to travel 45 hours together before we were separated in Türkiye. Goodbyes are never easy, especially because that meant we had to say goodbye to our leader Gretchen. I’m so excited to see them in Guate though! My team and I continued to travel for 40 more hours until we got to our destination with our new leader LUCY!!! Absolutely love her! Anyways, my team and I safely arrived to Thessaloniki, Greece after 85 hours of travel! It’s been such a blessing having this place to call home for the next 2 months! Im too excited to share more about what this time will look like. GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!!!


One response to “DEUCES THAILAND- I love you”

  1. What a wonderful time in your life while serving our Lord. Loved reading your blog and seeing fun pics. We truly miss you but know that the Lord is using you first to draw you closer to Himself but also being a light as you serve others. Keep up the good work. I will be praying for opportunities to have intentional conversions .to share the good news with those God puts in your path. Love, U, Grammy

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